Friday, 1 March 2013


Amongst other issues which concerns the nation at this time I would earnestly wish to bring to the table an issue which has received numerous versions of chronicles regarding the enrolment to the Unique Identification Authority of India.  Before proceeding further with the issue of analyzing the concept of Aadhaar, I would like to introduce certain facts which have been published in the website of Unique Identification Authority of India.
Aadhaar is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India on behalf of the Government of India. This number will serve as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India. Any individual, irrespective of age and gender, who is a resident in India and satisfies the verification process laid down by the UIDAI can enroll for Aadhaar. Each individual needs to enroll only once which is free of cost. Each Aadhaar number will be unique to an individual and will remain valid for life. Aadhaar number will help you provide access to services like banking, mobile phone connections and other Govt and Non-Govt services in due course.
Some other information about Aadhaar:

Aadhaar will be:

  • 1.     Easily verifiable in an online, cost-effective way
  • 2.   Unique and robust enough to eliminate the large number of duplicate and fake identities in government and private databases
  • 3.    A random number generated, devoid of any classification based on caste, creed, religion and geography.
  • 4.      A 12 digit number.
  • 5.      For individuals which include infants.
  • 6.      Enables identification and is for every resident.
  • 7.      Will collect demographic and biometric information to establish uniqueness of individuals.
  • 8.      Voluntary.
  • 9.      For every resident, irrespective of existing documentation.
  • 1.      A unique number.
  • 1.  Enables a universal identity infrastructure that any ID based application like ration card, passport etc., can use.

Adhaar will not be:

  • 1.      Another Card.
  • 2.      One per family
  • 3.      Establishes citizenship and is only for Indians.
  • 4.      Will collect profiling information such as caste religion or language.
  • 5.      Mandatory.
  • 6.      Only for individuals who possess identification documents.
  • 7.      Individual can obtain multiple AADHAAR’s
  • 8.      Will replace other ID cards.
  • 9.      UIDAI information will be accessible to private and public agencies.

If you have had the patience to read the above information completely in the first place, then certainly I believe that you are ready to travel the distance to appreciate or condemn the level of common sense subsisting behind the Aadhaar Scheme.

Would it be not better that Aadhaar Card would be better off if it had been the Card it was not supposed to be?

This card which claims to be a unique one has NOTHING UNIQUE IN IT! IT IS JUST ANOTHER CARD; a Scheme through which BIG CORPORATES and POLITICIANS have cleverly has siphoned off 3000 crores of hard-earned tax payers Indian Rupee!! Compared to the nature of scams existing in this country; a scam with a magnitude of 3000 crores seems trivial I suppose. Even if we are to consider 3000 crores of rupees as a trivial sum, the consequences of this Scheme seem far more devastating than one could imagine. In due course of time, before anyone could realize the folly, we all have been fingerprinted, Iris-ified and all our personal information is lying with _____________?????? (you fill it up with your imagination).

The rationale behind taking all the personal information is baffling. They intend to give unique identification numbers to all people of this country. Who is UIDAI to brand and issue a number to me? Am I a prisoner to be given a number so that I do not get lost in the wilderness of a prison? The most unique thing about being a human is that every human being is unique. The government is a system which we ourselves have given unto ourselves and it is subordinate to the society and the people at large. Unfortunately our country has lost its vision to see and contemplate the issues at hand and we are slowly moving towards a bourgeois/pheasant, society which existed in the 17th or 18th Century.  We are being branded and the most unfortunate part is that we are voluntarily being branded.

The statements made by the authorities behind UIDAI are contrary to themselves. On one hand they issue statements that the information is fool-proof and will not be shared with anybody. On the other hand they state that they will be sharing information with the food and civil supplies department, passport authorities etc., Where is the logical reason behind all these statements? What the hell are they trying to convey? Moreover the scheme is not mandatory and is just voluntary. If it is not mandatory, then how are they intending to procure the information of all the people and share the information with Passport or Ration Card department? To which lumberjack are they trying to convince. Imagine a worst case scenario – if a hacker/ a terrorist hacks the UIDAI servers and has access to all the personal information, then there will be a catastrophe of an unimaginable magnitude.

Theories have cropped up; those companies such as Accenture, IBM who have appalling reputation outside India for having made dirty money by the way of profiling and branding people have found a new found profiteering strategy by which they are acting as molasses and mushrooms which feeds off food of others as they do not have the capacity to produce food for themselves. One of the directors of the UIDAI program Dr. Sharma says there will be penal consequences if someone hacks into the servers and uses the data for illegal purposes. Dr. Sharma needs to be sent to KG classes and needs to be taught an anecdote “Prevention is always better than cure”. By making irresponsible statements he himself has indirectly agreed upon a fact that the data could be mis-used. If at all data cannot be kept safely they why keep it in the first place.

Some great man has said “If men were to be a little more intelligent, he would have known to rule. If men were to be a little ignorant he would have learned to follow”. Irony is that we do not know the consequences of our action. PEOPLE….ARISE & AWAKE…